Nurturing of the Body - Spiritual Gifts*

"One way the Holy Spirit empowers believers in the church is by creating ministries—opportunities to serve. Each believer

contributes to the growth—both in numbers and in maturity—of the church. If the Holy Spirit is the “fire” that gives the body warmth and life, believers are the “members of the body” that keep it moving.

 "The Holy Spirit empowers believers to be part of these ministries. The spiritual gifts, then, are the tools we use to carry on those ministries. The function of the spiritual gifts is service. Paul’s main interest in his letters to the early churches is to teach, guide, and help them to grow as the body of Christ."

*Content from Rose Book of Bible Charts, Spiritual Gifts p. 39

Cessationism and Continuationism

*Content from Rose Book of Bible Charts, Spiritual Gifts p. 39

Cessationism and Continuationism

One of the most debated issues in Christian theology is the question of what some people call the "extraordinary" or "miraculous" gifts of the Holy Spirit.  These gifts are:

  • Apostleship
  • Prophecy
  • Speaking and Interpreting Tongues
  • Working of Miracles

*Content and chart from Rose Book of Bible Charts, Spiritual Gifts p. 40